Mad Mondays: Mad Droids Monthly Recap!
May was a productive month for Mad Droids! Despite the market conditions, Mad Droids has not slowed down its pace of development. We are continuously developing the Alpha of the game, creating several new Droid classes and their respective features, launching the new website, applications open for private token allocation, and updating our whitepaper!!
Development Update
As you know, in May we started the development of the game. There have been many previews and sneak peeks that we have been sharing. During the month of June, we expect to release the first Alpha of the game, which will be a playable version. Stay tuned to our Discord and Twitter.
The Mad Droids development team has been very productive over the last month. We have seen great progress in the development of the Droids, which we already know quite a bit about. You can see a small sneak peek of the PVP mode below.
Governance Token
As you may already know, the release of the first collection of Developer NFTs, which are necessary to play Mad Droids, has been delayed due to different reasons. Besides what is happening in the market currently, plus the ongoing world affairs, one of the main reasons for delay is the release of our Governance Token. We wanted to give the community the ability to vote on important future game decisions. This token allows for this, as well as, many uses within the Mad Droids game and platform. The $DROID token will be required to perform important transactions such as: marketplace purchases, minting and upgrading NFTs, and more.
At first, this token will be available for purchase in the ongoing allocation rounds.The governance and utility token ($DROID) will be an ARC-20 token, which will be deployed on the Avalanche Network.
Don’t forget to apply for the allocation by registering in this survey:
Droids and Their Characteristics
During the months of March and April, we were talking a lot about the NFT Developer collection. However, during the month of May we decided that the protagonists of our updates would be the wreckless Droids, which, as expected, are individual and unique, and bring their own set of skills and characteristics.
Some of these features are:
· Reach for objects far away or too high for the character
· Display on screen images, videos, markings and messages of interest to the user (displayed on the droid’s face, waist or back)
· Have a companion (pet) with superior cognitive abilities (language translation, remembering information, calculating the best way to get somewhere, mathematics, etc.)
· Perform mechanical, repetitive or programmed tasks while the user is absent
· Being in two places at once
· Being fashionable and part of a very exclusive group
Don’t forget to visit the article dedicated exclusively to them.
Multichain Approach: Ethereum and Avalanche
Multichain technology is becoming more and more advanced, and it is important to diversify, that’s why we have decided to focus on creating this multi-chain project. Initially the NFT collection will be released on the Ethereum mainnet, however the game will be programmed and run under Avalanche.
This is something we hope to delve into later this month, as we understand you are hungry for more information. For the time being you can read our article on the subject here.
Mad Droids New Web Page and Whitepaper 2.0
During the month of May we launched our new website and whitepaper 2.0. The new website, which is spectacular, contains:
· The Store, where you will be able to buy NFTs from the developers
· The Marketplace, where you will be able to buy and sell Mad Droids (you can check for more information in our article)
· Play (to play the game)
· Whitepaper, where you will find our whitepaper 2.0
· Apply for Allocation (for the Governance Token sale)
And not only that, there is a lot of new information in our whitepaper 2.0. Don’t forget to read it, it is important to understand our project.
The journey ahead of us is long and it has just begun! We hope we can continue to count on your support, which is important, because without it it would not be worthwhile to move forward. Stay tuned for new articles, which, we remind you, are released every Monday, which for some is pretty crazy!